Candid Bear Photography
If you would like to jump on the Hub please contact me here
Born Bare Midwifery
Tanya is an acuneedling midwife, trained to support people with treatments within the scope of pregnancy, to help relieve common discomforts and symptoms of pregnancy, encourage activation of labour and support and nourish new mothers in the postnatal period.
Based in Albury/Wodonga
w: Born Bare Midwifery
ig: @bornbaremidwifery
Therapeutic and Functional Movement
Cherie is a Midwife offering Therapeutic Massage, and Acu Needling (Acupuncture administered by a Midwife). Cherie offers holistic woman centred care through relaxation, remedial, pregnancy massage, and Acu Needling.
Based in Albury
b: Book Online
w: Therapeutic and Functional Movement by Cherie
ig: @therapeuticandfunctional
Birth Education
Birth and Babes
Kerri-Ann in a Registered Midwife and a Certified Calmbirth Educator. Kerri-Ann offers Calmbirth Classes as well as Private One on One Sessions empowering women and families in birth and parenthood.
Based in Albury/Wodonga
w: Birth and Babes
ig: @birthandbabes
Bornbare Midwifery
Tanya Howlett is an Endorsed and Registered Midwife of 19+ years. Tanya is also a Certified Optimal Maternal Positioning Educator offering workshops. Based in Albury/Wodonga
e: [email protected]
ig: @bornbare_midwifery
Tiff is a pre & postnatal yoga teacher, dietitian, and a certified Hypnobirthing Practitioner Childbirth Educator, teaching the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program. Tiff supports women on their path to motherhood to eat well, move joyfully and birth positively so they feel calm & confident.
Based in Wagga Wagga
w: Mamabe
ig: @mamabehealth
Breastfeeding Support
Baby Assist
Wendy has more than 30 years experience assisting with infant feeding. Wendy's background lies in nursing, midwifery, neonatal nursing and is a qualified International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
Based in Albury/Wodonga
w: Baby Assist
ig: @babyassist
Milky Business
Katie is a registered Midwife and an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). Katie offers a variety of support and educational packages over the phone and online. She offersplans and advice for breastfeeding mothers who are returning to work (which I think is just SO wonderful!), as that can be such an axious driven time.
Online Offerings
w: Milky Business
ig: @milkybusinesslactation
Pure Breastfeeding Support
Kerrie provides breastfeeding and feeding support for families across the Albury/Wogonga area. Kerrie is available for home visits or clinic appointments and has 20 years experience.
Based in Albury/Wodonga
ig: @purebreasfeedingsupport
f: Pure Breastfeeding Support
Your Two Jugs
Osteopaths Dr Elise Fuller and Dr Katie Willy have created a 'hands on' breast Masterclass to train breastfeeding mothers in self relief of common breast issues including blocked ducts, engorgment and mastitis.
Online Offerings
w: Your Two Jugs
ig: @yourtwojugs
Doula Services
Doula Lou
Lou is a Certified birth doula and a member of Doula Network Australia. As your doula, Lou promises to openly listen without judgment, be present and support your choices. Lou takes on the role of doula with pride and joy and is honored to be invited into your life at this very special time.
Based in Albury, Wodonga, Yackandandah, Wangaratta and surrounds
w: Doula Lou
ig: @doulalou
Health Hub
Nova Health Co - comming soon
Holistic Wellness
Tahlia and Jamie have created the most beautiful space filled with mindful movement, meditation, infared sauna, aromatherapy shower, and holistic wellness clinic offerings. The holistic wellness clinic provides holistic councilling, massage therapy, nutrition, naturapathy and womb healing. We are so lucky to have this space at our doorstep.
Based in Albury
w: Ardor Holistic Wellness
ig: @ardor.albury
Marcella Jane Holistic Councellor
Marcella explains Holistic Counselling views the individual as multi-faceted and takes into account their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Holistic counselling is a mind body spirit approach to understanding how we interact with the world around us and offers us a holistic framework for processing life events, managing conflict and relationships and making important decisions. Marcella incorporates evidence-based counselling styles into her practice that are aimed at supporting you to feel heard, understood and empowered.
Based in Albury
w: Marcella Jane Holistic Councellor
ig: @marcella_holisticcouncellor
Inga's Housekeeping
Jem offers a house keeping service, she offers a walk through consultation prior to booking a service.
Based in Albury/Wodonga
e: [email protected]
ig: @ingas_housekeeping
Kineseology and Reiki
Shine Kineseology and Reiki
Laura is a Kinesiology therapist. Laura offers a this non-invasive therapy from babies through to adults, where she use the art of muscle testing to tap into the subconscious mind to access information to restore the balance within the body. This may relate to general stress, nutrition, learning difficulties, pain & minor injury.
Based in Albury
p: 0400 300 155
f: Shine Kineseology and Reiki
Movement (including some Prenatal and Mums and Bubs Classes)
Tahlia and Jamie have created the most beautiful space filled with mindful movement, meditation, infared sauna, aromatherapy shower, and holistic wellness clinic offerings. The holistic wellness clinic provides holistic councilling, massage therapy, nutrition, naturapathy and womb healing. We are so lucky to have this space at our doorstep.
Based in Albury
w: Ardor Holistic Wellness
ig: @ardor.albury
Tiff is a pre & postnatal yoga teacher, dietitian and a certified Hypnobirthing Practitioner Childbirth Educator, teaching the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program. Tiff supports women on their path to motherhood to eat well, move joyfully and birth positively so they feel calm & confident.
Based in Wagga Wagga
w: Mamabe
ig: @mamabehealth
Self Pilates and Wellness
Sal and her team offering Reformer, Mat, Mums and Bubs Pilates as well as online class offerings. Sal has developed a community phosphering movement and wellness.
Based in Albury and Online Offerings
w: Self Pilates and Wellness
ig: @selfpilates
Movement - FREE (Child friendly)
Seal Swim School
Seal Swim School offer FREE babybond classes for 0-6month olds. These classes have been designed to teach parents how neonatal reflexes can be utalised when teaching your baby swim skills.
Based in Wodonga
p: (02) 6056 0642
w: Seal Swim School
Park Run
Park Run is a FREE, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you! It's held every Saturday morning around Australia.
Based in Albury (and Nation Wide)
w: Park Run
ig: @parkrunau
Dimity, Annabel and Ally offer meals, herbal blends and are IPEN trained in all their placenta remedies. Kilter has been created to make wholesome and nourishing food readily available to you so your energy can be focused elsewhere.
Meal delivery available within 20km of Albury. Herbal and some Placenta remedies are available for post
w: Kilter
ig: @kilteralbury
Jacquie created Meraki Produce believing in nourishing people’s lives by offering the highest quality, fresh, healthy meals in the most convenient way, without compromising flavour. Their goal is to revolutionise the way you think about fast food by providing convenient, healthy and nourishing food that makes you feel good, without taking time away from what is important to you.
Based in Albury
w: Meraki Produce
ig: @merakiproduce
Nutrition and Dietetics
Tiff is a pre & postnatal yoga teacher, dietitian and a certified Hypnobirthing Practitioner Childbirth Educator, teaching the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program. Tiff supports women on their path to motherhood to eat well, move joyfully and birth positively so they feel calm & confident.
Based in Wagga Wagga
w: Mamabe
ig: @mamabehealth
Tahlia Thomas Nutrition
Tahlia holds a Bachelor of Health Science, Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine. Tahlia's areas of specialty include Women's health, Gut and gastrointestinal inflammation, and Oncology care.
Based in Albury/Wodonga
w: Tahlia Thomas Nutrition
ig: @tahliathomasnutrition
Pelvic Health
Riverina Pelvic Health
Jenna is a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist. Jenna is passionate about helping women remain active and pain-free throughout pregnancy, alongside promoting safe recovery and return to exercise following birth. She has extensive experience in treating a wide range of women’s pelvic health conditions, including bladder, bowel, pelvic pain, prolapse and surgical presentations, and realises the significant impact these conditions can have on a person’s quality of life.
Based in Wagga Wagga
w: Riverina Pelvic Health
ig: @riverinapelvichealth
Personal Stylist
Oh My. Style
Oh My. Style has been birthed out of a love for fashion and style. Becky's vision is to provide a service that enables you to feel like your most authentic version of yourself and enables you to understand the confidence that comes when you discover a style that truly reflects you. Becky's offerings range from a Style Consultation to One on One Shopping Experience and Wardrobe Intergration.
Based in Albury/Wodonga
e: [email protected]
ig: @ohmy.style
Private Midwife
Albury Wodonga Midwifery Services
Barb and Tanya offer women one on one midwifery care and support throughout their pregnancy, birth and until their baby is 6 weeks of age through a private practice model. Their passion is to help you achieve the birthing experience you want.
Medicare and private health rebates are available.
Based in Wodonga with supportive online learning offerings
w: Albury Wodonga Midwifery Services
ig: @alburywodongamidwiferyservices
Nurture Midwifery - Comming soon
Your Birth Midwifery
Claire is a Homebirth Midwife. She believes in the power of every birth giver and the strength they have to birth their way. She is with woman to support when needed and offer guidance throughout this process.
Based in Albury and Surrounds
e: [email protected]
ig: @yourbirthmidwifery
Remedial Massage
Therapeutic and Functional Movement
Cherie is a Midwife, she teaches reformer and mat pilates, offers Therapeutic Massage, and Acu Needling (Acupuncture administered by a Midwife). Therapeutic and Functional Movement provides women with a space focusing on their own health and wellbeing throughout all phases of their life span. Cherie offers holistic woman centred care through relaxation, remedial and pregnancy massage, and Acu Needling.
Based in Albury
b: Book Online
w: Therapeutic and Functional Movement by Cherie
ig: @therapeuticandfunctional
Touch Mind Body
Tarren Hehir is a Remedial Massage Therapist. Tarren offers treatments to alleviating stress, tension and pain through restorative massage, including Pregnancy Massage.
Based in Ardor Albury
w: Touch Body Mind
ig: @touchbodymind